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Alphabet fun

The Pre-K class spends a lot of time out of the classroom. Walking to different parts of the building and going into different classrooms for their specials. While we do this they have started to show more interest in their surroundings. Mostly noticing what is on the walls. Words, words and more words. They are always stopping and asking what does that say? Over and over. We have to give ourselves extra time to get where we are going, because I always stop and take advantage of these teachable moments. The class was so excited when I brought in alphabet books and games. Here are a few things we had fun doing this week.

Books, books and more books!

Alphabet fishing.

Everyone had fun fishing for a letter and finding the picture it went with.

Where are the letters?

Hiding in the sand. Can you find them?

The children love the story Chicka, Chicka, Boom Boom. It's a fun story about lowercase letters that climb up a coconut tree. The letters are too heavy and the tree topples over with all the lowercase letters falling down. They are soon rescued by their uppercase parent. The class had fun creating a mural of this story with their names.

From an early age, a child learn the importance of his or her name, first verbally and then in written form. In fact, one of the first words a child learns to read and write is their name. Young children love seeing their name appear in meaningful ways like on belongings, toys, and as you can see art.

The alphabet is a building block for children to develop speaking, listening, reading, and writing, skills. Alphabet knowledge is the first step in a child's development of letter recognition.

Knowing the alphabet teaches children how to spell words with the different sounds of the letters.

Going on a letter hunt.

What letter can you find?

Find the letter on the board.

The kids had to find the letter on the floor that matched the letter on the board.

Alphabet show and tell.


French class

Learning body parts with Madame. To hear a song go to the Pre-K facebook page.


Parachute play.

Art class.

Art with creative materials.

Music class

Having fun with a new song. Enjoy on the Pre-K facebook page.


A full class together!!! Welcome back Lambert.

Having fun!!

Friday afternoon sunshine and snow.

Another fun week!!! Each week I'm amazed at how much your children know. I can't wait to share this with you at your parent teacher conference.

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